In the Abdul Hamid Sharaf School, the needs, feelings, and characteristics of children shall be considered in the planning of learning experiences. Discipline will be an important part of the school and will be developed, but regimentation will not be allowed because it is incompatible with developing children’s independence. Children must be helped to develop self-discipline and to accept responsibility for their own actions. Children will be encouraged to clarify and develop their own sets of values: honesty, respect for other people and their property, and good citizenship will be stressed.
The school is an extension of the home. School must be a warm, friendly, accepting place where nobody is afraid or threatened; where everybody feels welcome and wanted and is allowed to reach his or her fullest potential both in personality and intellectual development. Children should feel proud of their school. There must be an atmosphere of mutual respect among all members of the educational community.
Each child will be treated as an individual and will be helped to develop his or her own style of learning because learning is a lifetime activity. Education must help children to be flexible and adapt to a changing world. Education at the school will be child-centered and related to the surroundings and interests of children. Real learning can take place only if it is relevant to the child’s world.
A creative atmosphere is most conducive to learning. A problem-solving and critical thinking approach will be encouraged. Exploration, creativity, and independent thinking will enrich the student and the teacher experience. Interest and motivation and trust are the keys to learning. Without these elements no real or lasting learning can occur.
The teachers of the Abdul Hamid Sharaf School will try to guide each child and help him or her to realize how exciting learning can be, and to feel secure in the knowledge of self-respect and self-worth.
Abdul Hamid Sharaf School (founded in 1980) is among the first private, coeducational, non-parochial, K-12 day schools in Amman, Jordan. It serves the needs of a diverse group of students, international and local.
Shuhadaa Amman Street
Deir Ghbar, Al Diyar
P.O. Box: 6008
Amman 11118, JO